Different common names of Bilva are बेल (bel), sirphal, stone apple etc . This plant is a mid-sized, slender, aromatic, armed, gum-bearing tree growing up to 18 meters tall. In…
Ayurvedic herb Adhatoda beddomei (Vasa)
In short: Adhatoda beddomei is one of the best herbs. This herb is used to cure a lot of disease. Family – Acanthaceae Parts used – Root, leaves and flower…
Ayurvedic Herb Acorus calamus (Vacha)
In short Other Names – Bhutanashini, Jatil, Bajai, Gora-bach, Vasa Bach; Family – Araceae Part used – Rhizomes Uses – The rhizomes of Vaca is use in the form of…
Result of Iom medical and paramedical published. New result 069/2012 result for MBBS , BAMS ,B.SC.NURSING, BN, BAMS, B.OPTOM, BASLP and all iom program Download link- Click here 067/2010…
Ayurvedic herb Achyranthes aspera (Apamarga )
Apamarga is very useful herb in Ayurveda. Common names are Prickly Chaff Flower, Devil’s Horsewhip. This plant belongs to family Amaranthaceae. This plant is especially found in tropical region. In…
How are Patient treated through Ayurveda
Ayurveda has its own procedure for dealing with disease and patient. First of all diagnosis is done by inspection (दर्शन), palpation (स्पर्शन), and interrogation (प्रश्न). The specific examination includes the…
Dincharya, Daily routine in Ayurveda
In Sanskrit, the word dincharya refers to daily routine. According to Ayurveda one should follow the dincharya in order to live a healthy and disease free life. Everyday two cycles…
Piyush granthi, (Pituitary gland) and mann in Ayurveda
Pituitary gland in Ayurveda is called Piyush Granthi. It is the master gland of the body that controls the function of all endocrine gland. Recent research proved that oxytocins helpful…
Prakriti (Personal Nature) in Ayurveda
Our inborn metabolic pattern is called Prakriti. Prakriti is the first creation of all.According to Ayurveda, one’s prakriti is determined according to prakriti of Shukra (sperm) and shonit (ovum). The…
Ajna Chakra, Intuition Chakra, sixth chakra in Yoga
Ajna, which is known as center of insight and intuition in Sanskrit, is the highest of the psychic centers in man. Ajna literally means “command” and oversees all of the…