Charaka Samhita is one of the great three triads in Ayurveda. It has total of 8 divisions with 120 chapters.
The first division of Charaka’s Samhita is called Sutrasthana. It consists of thirty chapters. So let’s see the medical techniques included in Charak Samhita.
Chapter 1. relates the origin of the work, and gives a brief summary.
Chapters 2, 3, and 4 treat on medical plants, and their properties.
Chapters 5—7 on matters of diet.
Chapter 8 on the senses and on the elements with, which the senses correspond.
Chapters 9 and 10 on the qualities which a physician must possess, and also on the qualities which are indispensable to his medicaments.
Chapters 11 and 12 show the means by which long life may be secured and adverse influences counteracted.
Chapter 13 treats on fat and on the diseases thence arising.
Chapter 14 on perspiration and how it may be produced.
Chapter 15 on medical instruments and appliances.
Chapter 16 on the presents which a physician should receive.
Chapter 17 gives a general enumeration of diseases and their symptoms.
Chapter 18 treats on three descriptions of swellings.
Chapters 19 and 20 give further enumerations, of the diseases, and their causes.
Chapter 21 is on the eight defects of the constitution and their influence on health.
Chapter 22 on fasting, on getting fat, on sweating .
Chapter 23 on diseses arising from gourmandising.
Chapter 24 on the blood and its affections.
Chapter 25 on -purusha, which means the soul.
Chapter 26 on the 6 flavours (sweet, salt, pungent etc) and effects of these on the body.
Chapters 27 and 28 on the effects of different kinds of food and beverage.
Chapter 29 on the vital organs.
Chapter 30 on the heart. This division concludes with a general eulogy on the Ayurveda.
Thanks for posting the chapters.. I needed to read them.