Fistula in ano is a disease, which has been included by Acharya Sushruta in Ayurveda. Even today when the modern surgery is at its peak, fistula in ano is still…
Category: Ayurveda Students
Useful for Ayurveda studying students.
Vegetarianism and Ayurveda
Authentic Ayurvedic dietary advices are based on a purely vegetarian diet. Although some Ayurvedic physicians advocate meat intake for people with vata constitution (prakriti) but this concept does not have…
Six steps to achieve Balanced Dosha
These days most of the Ayurvedic talks are related with maintaining or balancing the dosha. And yes it is true that if you are able to balance dosha you can…
Ayurvedic concept of Mudhagarbha (false presentations and difficult labour)
This article is totally the Ayurvedic concept of false presentations and difficult labour and also miscarriage. This was the concept of Acharya Shrusuta, who is also known as father of…
Importance of Vata among tridosha
Vata is the most important among tridoshas. Pitta and kapha are less important. The vata carries them to different places. Like in nature, clouds are moved by wind, similarly vata…
Abasthapak, Stage of Digestion
The food we ingest , digest in different stages. Changes in the mahashrotas at different levels are called abasthapak. Abasthapak or the stage of digestion are in 3 stages. Madhura…
Person is Equal to universe (Lok-Purusha Similarity)
As living body is also one object in the universe; Lok (universe) and Purusha (Person) are similar. This statement is important to know about purusha(person) from the study of universe….
Difference in Ayurveda and Allopathy in term of food restriction
Here in this article I have tried to introduce “Pathya” by showing its application in Allopathic medicine (Unknowingly) as well as in Ayurveda healing “Pathya” infact, is a great term…
Ashmari in Ayurveda | Urinary Calculi Renal Stone in Ayurveda
Let’s discuss about Ashmari (urinary calculi) totally from Ayurvedic concept. The disease admits of being divided into four several types, such as the Vataja, the Pittaja, the Kaphaja and the…
Ten Ayurvedic Herb Mixtures
Here are the list of 10 important and most common Ayurvedic herbal mixtures with their uses. *The symbols V, P, K stand for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. For example, VP-…