Aloe Vera which is a cactus-like plant whose name means “shining bitter substance,” is widely regarded as a master healing plant. The plant which can even be grown in vase…
Six Taste and Dosha Relation in Ayurveda
Six types of Tastes Shadrasha (षडरस) in Ayurveda are given below. Every taste has the relation with the tri-dosha viz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha in Ayurveda. (Swada) स्वाद SWEET- Sugar,…
Types of Herbs in Ayurveda
The classification of Herbs in Ayurveda is according to their taste (rasa), their energetic effect (virya), their post-digestive effect (vipaka) and their post-digestive effect (prabhava). The initial taste (rasa) indicates…
Rejuvenating power in Ayurveda
Rejuvenating power in Ayurveda is discussed under rasayan tantra.So here is the description of Rejuvenative tonics and the herbs to increase Rejuvenating power to be healthy and smart In Ayurveda there…
Astanga Yoga,Not just physical Exercise
Yoga is not just a physical exercise. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual exercise. In fact Asana is just a branch of Yoga. Including other 7 branches makes a…
BAMS Ayurveda entrance question
BAMS Ayurveda entrance question. Here are some question asked in Entrance exam of BAMS nepal. Hope this will be helpful for students preparing for Ayurveda Entrance. १. उत्तम अनुशस्त्र कुन…
Triphala in Ayurveda
It’s a reality that Triphala in Ayurveda, is th best formula. Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal formaulation that is commonly used and best known among all ayurvedic preparations. It comprises…
Ayurveda and Modern Medical Science
Ayur Vigyan(Knowledge) is a broad term which includes the knowledge, science and techniques that is related to health and happiness of people. It existed from the very beginning of life….
Kapha in Ayurveda
Kapha governs all structure and lubrication or fluid balance in the mind and body. It controls weight, growth, lubrication for the joints and lungs, and formation of all the seven…
Pitta in Ayurveda
Pitta dosha is made up of the elements of fire and water through which it manifests the qualities of pungent, hot, penetrating, oily, sharp, liquid, spreading and sour. Its primary…