Here are the list of 10 important and most common Ayurvedic herbal mixtures with their uses.
*The symbols V, P, K stand for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. For example, VP- K+ is read the following way: Vata and Pitta are reduced; Kapha is increased.
*[VPK= means good for all doshas; vat a, pitta and kapha]
1. Triphala– VPK=, for all tridoßhic diseases, constipation, diarrhea, eyes, cleansing or detoxing the colon, good for Kapha conditions, gas, distention, diabetes, parasites.
2. Trikatu- VK- P+, for colds, flu, fevers, stimulates appetite, cough, congestion, for low agni and áma, thyroid, detoxification.
3. Chyavan Prash– VPK=, general tonic, cough, strengthening lungs from asthma etc., longterm healing migraines, good for pregnant mothers, post-partum strength, and for babies; anemia, debility, T.B.
4. Sitopaladi– VPK=, colds, flu, fevers, increases appetite, reduces burning sensations in the extremities.
5. Lavaan Bhaskar– VK- P+, stimulates appetite, malabsorption, constipation, abdominal pain, tumors.
6. Mahasudarshan– P- VK+, for Pitta fevers, nausea, enlarged liver and spleen.
7. Dashmul– VPK = V-, arthritis, strengthens tissues, debility, postpartum condition of females, cold, flu, body pain, and stiffness.
8. Avipattikar Churna– P- VPK=, used for hyperacidity, heartburn, ulcers, colitis, stomach pains, indigestion, chronic constipation.
9. Hingwastak– VPK= mainly V-, indigestion, bloating (upward-moving apána).
10. Yogaraj Guggul– VK- P+ (in excess), arthritis, joint pains, stiffness, cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, back pain, hernia, goiter, sciatica, acts on the pituitary gland and hormone swelling, immune system, all Vata disorders including nerve disorders, depression, and insomnia; heals bone fractures. It is also good for circulation, blood purifying, reduces masses, breaks up stagnation, cardiac tonic (reduces myocardial necrosis), antiseptic, respiratory conditions, pulmonary TB, enlarged and inflamed lymph glands, urinary disorders, endometritis, hemorrhoids, inflamed colon, hepatitis, ulcerated mouth, throat, tooth, and gum problems (gargle), skin conditions, increases white blood cell count. Do not use with acute kidney infections or acute stages of rashes.
(Kaishore Guggul is for Pitta-gout, inflammations, burning joints, herpes, and all blood diseases; Pure Guggul is for Kapha. They have similar actions).
Triphala Guggul is best for weightloss and cholesterol.
Kanchanar Guggul is best for lymph glands
Which is best formula that is V-,P-,K+. Thank you.