Curing eye through Ayurvedic Herbs
Eye is one of the important organs for the perception of vision. Also many people have their beauty in their eyes. Even a minute thing that goes inside an eye makes a lot of trouble. So I have tried to collect some useful herbs for curing in the problem of an eye. Here are these herbs:-
a. Abelmoschus moschatus (Latakasturika)–Latakasturika is beneficial for eyes. Parts used – Root, seed and leaves.
b. Achyranthes aspera (Apamarga)-The root, seed and leaf of Apamarga is used in the form of juice and powder to treat eye diseases.
c. Acorus calamus (Vaca)–The rhizomes of Vaca is use in the form of powder, paste and decoction to treat eye diseases.
d. Aegle marmelos (Bilva)–The fruit, leaves and root of Bilva is used in the form of powder, juice and decoction to treat eye diseases.
e. Azadirachta indica (Nimba)–The all parts of Nimba is used in the form of juice and decoction to treat eye diseases.
f. Boerhavia diffusa (Punarnava)–Punarnava root powder or the paste removes itching of eye, when taken with milk, honey, ghee respectively,(5-10 gms) (BP.Ci.63.210).
g. Boswellia serrata (Sallaki)–The exudates of sallaki mixed with sugar and honey should be applied over to eyes in conjunctivitis (SS.U.10.7)
h. Butea monosperma (Palasa)–1. Flowers of Palasa should be rubbed with honey and used as collyrium (SS.U.10.9)
2. Exudates of Palasa or sallaki (Boswellia serrata) mixed with sugar and honey should be used as collyrium (SS.U.10.7)
i. Cyperus rotundus (Mustaka)–The rhizomes of Mustaka is used in the form of powder and decoction to treat eye diseases.
j. Emblica officinalis (Amalaki)–Powder of amalaki, harethaki (Terminalia chebula) and vibhethaki, (Terminalia bellerica) is used internally and externally in eye diseases.
k. Holostemma ada-kodien (Jivanti)–In case of Defects of vision leaves of jivanti is used as a vegetable (SS.U.17.50)
l. Madhuca indica (Madhuka)–The Flowers, bark and fruit of Madhuka is used in the form of juice and decoction to treat eye diseases.
m. Piper longum (Pippali)–The fruit and root of Pippali is used in the form of powder to treat eye disease.
n. Solanum nigrum (Kakamachi)–The whole plant of Kakamachi is used in the form of juice to treat eye-diseases.
o. Strychnos potatorum (Kataka)–The seed of kataka is rubbed with honey and mixed with little camphor is applied as collyrium to eyes. It clears eyes (SG.3.13.103)
p. Terminalia bellerica (Bibhitaka)–Bibhitaka seed-kernel mixed with honey (and used as collyrium) removes corneal opacity (SS.U.12.31; RM.3.15).
q. Terminalia chebula (Haritaki)–The fruits of Haritaki is used in the form powder to treat eye disease.
r. Tinospora cordifolia (Amrita, Guduchi)–The stem, root and leaf of Guduchi is used in the form of juice and decoction to treat eye disease.
good article