Asthi (Bone) in Ayurveda
Asthi, the hardest tissue present in our body develops from asthi dhatwagni, by the action of Agni, Vayu and Prithivi mahabhoota. Asthi dhatwagni acts on Prithivi, agni and vata predominant portion of nutrients and digest this bringing hardness to it. From this, asthi Dhatu is formed. Asthi called bone in Modern concept is osseous connective tissue consisting of the osteocytes, osteoblast and osteoclast for the bone formation and its maintenance.
The number and name of the bone vary according to the various concepts and scholars as in charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita etc. as well as modern medicine. Considering its structure, types of channels of nutrition, blood circulation etc, both by Ayurvedic and modern concept it is concluded that Asthi or bone is the main pillar or the base of the body that gives attachment to the muscles and tendons allowing movement of body as well as different organ due to which the position of various visceral organs are fixed, muscles are volunteered, the body being able to perform its various functions without which no organs, no muscles, no vessels and no nerves would have got their position.
Depending upon shape and size asthi are classified as nalakasthi, kapalasthi, balyasthi, ruchakaasthi and tarunasthi in Ayurveda which can be co-related in modern medicine as long bone, flat bone, ribs, teeth and cartilages.
Thus we can conclude that scholars in Ayurveda had proper knowledge about asthi, their formation, number and shape. But the knowledge was limited, since then no further research in Ayurveda has been attempted. So for the upliftment of Ayurveda the knowledge should be updated and the field should be elaborated in demand of time according to modern science and technology which would certainly provide a milestone for its worldwide recognition and implement to all people.