Earlie posts were about vata . Now I am going to list of the diets that balance the vata.
• Favour warm, hearty, nourishing foods with added butter/oil – favour salty, sour and sweet tastes.
• Try and reduce light, dry, cold foods and pungent, bitter and astringent tastes
• Hot, milky, creamy cereals (wheat, oatmeal or rice), soups and stews are all very good for pacifying Vata.
• All dairy products are good (ideally organic and unpasturised) – milk should always be boiled first.
• Oils are good but favour ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, Udo’s oil, flax/pumpkin oil and sesame oil.
• Reduce your intake of light, dry, cold foods such as crackers, nuts, seeds and salads.
• Take nuts and seeds in small quantities only – they are best freshly ground with oil added.
• Reduce the intake of all bean products except tofu, mung beans, mung dhal and red lentils.
• The best grains are rice and wheat but you can take barley, corn, millet, buckwheat, rye and oats in moderation.
• Favour stewed and well ripened, sweet or sour fruits but reduce the intake of dry or light fruits such as apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries, and dried fruits (if uncooked). Dried fruits are good if they are cooked after soaking overnight.
• Sweeteners are good (in moderation), especially jaggary, honey, maple syrup and algarve.
• Vegetables should be cooked and not raw. Peas, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, zucchini and potatoes are acceptable in moderate quantities if they are cooked, especially with Ghee or oil and Vata reducing spices but it is best to avoid sprouts and cabbage.
• Hot, nourishing desserts such as apple pie help pacify Vata.
• Eat a substantial breakfast to help improve energy levels throughout the day.
• Herbal teas (camomile, fennel, basil) with a few digestive biscuits are good for Vata energy slumps.
• Avoid stimulants such as coffee and alcohol.
• Sip hot water throughout the day to flush out impurities and balance Vata.
• Warm milk flavoured with ghee, cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg is excellent before bed.
Now here are some lists that increase and decrease the Vata in the body
Vegetables that increase and decrease vata
Asparagus Leeks Artichoke Okra Beetroot Parsnip Olives Corn Butternut squash Green beans Peppers Radishes Carrots Courgettes Cucumber Green beans Leeks Pumpkin Sweet potatoes Turnip | Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Celery Mushrooms Peas Peppers Tomatoes |
Fruits that increase and reduce vata
Apricots Avocados Bananas Berries Cherries Raisins Pineapple Rhubarb Plums Peaches Oranges Lemons Grapes Kiwi Dates Figs Mangoes Melons Papayas Peaches Plums | Dried fruit Un-ripened fruit Apples Pears Pomegranates Prunes Watermelon |
Herbs increase and reduce vata
Basil Black pepper Cardamom Cinnamon Clove Cumin Fennel Ginger Liquorice Marjoram Mustard seeds Nutmeg Oregano Sage Thyme | Coriander seed Fenugreek Parsley Saffron Turmeric |