Abelmoschus moschatus (Latakasturika), latin: Hibiscus abelmoschus
Parts used – Root, seed and leaves
Latakasturika is aphrodisiac, digestive, beneficial for eyes, diuretic, relieves thirst, useful in diseases of mouth, and bladder. (Bp. Su.su.46)
Bad breath:Seeds of latakasturika are chewed in case of tastelessnessand bad breath. (5-10 gms)
Respiratory disorders
In case of excessive phlegm in respiratory disorders,
decoction of the seeds are used. (30 gms for decoction)
Abelmoschus moschatus is aromatic and medicinal plant in the Malvaceae family. The seeds have a sweet, flowery, heavy fragrance similar to that of musk.
Its different names are Kasturibenda, kasturidana, kadu kasturi, or Kattukasthuri.
The seeds of this medicinal herb are valued for their demulcent, diuretic and stomachic properties. They are served as well as an antiseptic, a stimulant, a tonic, and an aphrodisiac. They are also served as cooling and carminative agents.
The infusion, decoction or tincture of the seeds are used in cases of nervous debility, nervous disorders, and hysteria. The seeds are used as insect-repellant in sachet powders.
The leaves and roots are used as medication for venereal diseases. The yellow portion of the petals is used in myricetin, flavonoids and cannabiscitrin.
The plant is considered to pacify aggravated kapha, bronchitis, asthma, pitta, nausea, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, flatulence, colic, calculi, burning sensation, vomiting, and nervous system disorders in the Ayurvedic treatments.