Hi there,

About me I’m
Roshan Baskota
I am a student of BAMS
(Bachelor in ayurvedic medicine and surgery) studying in IOM TU , Ayurveda campus , Kirtipur
Contact me at – 9779849677553/9803463253
Mail me at : info@roshanbaskota.com.np
My personal site –https://roshanbaskota.com.np/
I just want to say that I really enjoy reading all the information you share on here. I am an Ayurveda Health Counselor and everything I read is very helpful. There is so much to learn.
Thank you,
Thank you so much for your wonderful informative website! James
Great website! Appreciate Ayurveda, and its thoughtful practicioners.
Hey Broda! I hav a query 4 u…scholarship ma nam nikale pa6i wat is the total cost of d course n hostel compulsory 6 ki 6ina??? waitin 4 ur reply…
Thank you!
Rs 70,000 |- For first 18 months (1st prof.)